From Delays to Delivery: Kanban Optimizes Inventory & Boosts Profits for Machine Manufacturing

From Delays to Delivery: Kanban Optimizes Inventory & Boosts Profits for Machine Manufacturing

Introduction: Kanban Transforms Machine Manufacturing: From Chaos to Cost Savings. Our client Machine Manufacturing is a medium-sized company specializing in the production of industrial machinery for plastic processing. They have a diverse product line ranging from Extruder machines to automatic machines used in various plastic industries such as beverages, chemicals etc.  Challenges: So, we took…

Why is it not enough to manufacture only as per specification?

This is a very famous case study of Ford transmission system vs Japanese transmission system. Both were manufactured as per drawing. But the difference was in the consistency. Japanese parts consistency was much higher. They were not just matching drawing specifications. But were very close to each other. Which means technically their process capability was…