4. Not keeping log of Red Tag items

“You can’t manage what you don’t track – Valentino Crawford” In a large government utility once after doing a massive 5S campaign and removing a lot of items in 1s (Red Tag), the top management was reviewing the status. Suddenly a senior manager asked for a very important spare part. Up on investigation, the team come to notice that that part was discarded in 1S activity. No one has any record on how many items were discarded and where.
There are following valid reasons why you must keep track of Red Tag items through a proper Red Tag List.
- For ease of decision making
- To track on which items are to be shifted, repaired, or discarded.
- Create a report for top management.
Creating report as mentioned below is very useful for every stakeholders.

What shall be the content of your Red Tag List?
- Zone / Sub Zone name
- Zone Leader
- Item Description
- Type of material
- Unit of Measurement
- Qty
- Reason for Seiri (1s)
- Red Tag Date
- Disposal Date
- Disposal Decision
- Red Tag status
- etc.
You can create a dynamic dashboard on 1S status with above information.

Case 1: Systematic Red Tag Summary helped a large steel company to understand which department had maximum red tags and design future systems of procurement and spare parts accordingly. This saved more than 2.7 Cr annually in wrong procurements.
Do you want a copy of Excel template for Red Tag?
If Yes Please click here https://www.sixsigmaconcept.com/contact-us/
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